Benefits and Issues of Cloud
- Infinite economical resources
- Direct on-demand provisioning
- Elasticity
- Performance variation
- Instance acquisition and terminal delay
- Heterogeneous IaaS resources
Basic Assumptions
Be in the same data center or region, so the bandwidth is roughly equal.
Different types of VMs, and no limitation on the number of VM.
When an VM leased, requires an initial boot time for initialization. When released, requires some time for proper shutdown.
Charged for time intervals they use a VM.
Data transfer cost is assumed to zero because of internal data transfer is free for most cloud environments
VM type($VM_v$) is defined by $\{(ET_{t_i})_v,C_v\}$, specifies its estimated processing time for each task $t_i$ and cost per time interval.
Data transfer time TT($e_{ij}$) is $\frac{dt_i}{\beta}$, where $dt_i$ is the size of the output data file to be transfered from $t_i$ to $t_j$, and $\beta$ is the average bandwidth within the cloud datacenter
Objective: minimize the total execution cost while meeting the user defined deadline constraints